About rogue Chem
Our Mission
To equip collegiate organic chemistry students with relevant, highly nuanced resources that are graphically designed to reinvent how students practice, study, and enhance student performance.
To empower all students to take ownership of their performance and unlock their true potential in organic chemistry.
To provide a holistic variety of affordable, high-impact academic content to students of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
To challenge students to think more critically about chemistry, three-dimensional and spatial reasoning, and to cultivate "retrosynthetic" and "synthetic" thought processes.
Academic Content (Purchasable)
Practice problems with solutions
Video tutorials
Multiple choice and free response sets
Conceptual reviews
Exam-caliber practice
Reaction summaries
Mechanism summaries
Rogue Chem platforms – both the Comprehensive Access platforms and the University-Specific platforms – each possess iterations of the following types of resources...
All PDF content hosted on Rogue Chem platforms is...
Downloadable and printable
Engineered using ChemDraw Software
Professionally formatted (textbook-caliber)
Platforms (Content Packages)
Rogue Chem offers a variety of platforms for both Organic 1 and Organic 2 (purchasable PDF and video content reserves).
To learn more about these platforms, continue reading below or toggle to the Rogue Chem shop.
Legacy Platforms
Rogue Chem offers two universally applicable platforms, which are designed to be relevant to students at any university in the United States. The curriculums of over 30 universities were studied and analyzed during the construction of these platforms to ensure optimal relevance and utility regardless of a student's university affiliation.
University-Specific Platforms
Rogue Chem currently offers university-tailored platforms for the University of Florida (UF) and UNC Chapel Hill.
These platforms are adapted to offer greater relevance to students at these universities, and students at both UF and UNC Chapel Hill report excellent outcomes, applicability and consider Rogue Chem to be a "saving grace."
Platform Hosting
Rogue Chem platforms are hosted and accessed by users via a secure, exclusive drive folder (Google Drive).
Within each Rogue Chem drive, there are a plethora of folders organized by the main topics in organic chemistry (e.g. MO Theory, Acid-Base Chemistry, Aromaticity, Stereochemistry...etc.).
The resources in each "topic folder" are organized in a manner that is conducive to intuitive navigability.
Each "topic folder" possess video tutorials, practice problems, conceptual reviews, and other relevant content.
Each "topic folder" possesses at least one multiple choice and free response set.
Content Delivery (Electronic)
After purchasing a Rogue Chem platform, an email invitation is sent to the Gmail address provided during the ordering process.
Clicking on the invite hyperlink within the email invitation results in redirection to Google Drive.
All folders and content associated with the platform begins syncing to a user's personal Google Drive.
Nearly all content will sync immediately. However, note that some folders may appear empty initially during the syncing process until the data from the source drive reaches a user's personal Google Drive.
Simply "bookmark" the Rogue Chem drive, and access Rogue Chem content via Google Drive quickly and conveniently from your personal Google Drive account.
Rogue Chem's Creator

Ryan's Qualifications
10,000 plus hours experience teaching collegiate organic chemistry
One-on-one instruction experience
Small group instruction experience
Lecture and large group Instruction experience
3,000 plus hours experience remote (Zoom) teaching experience
10,000 plus hours experience engineering academic content for collegiate organic chemistry
Professional fluency in Chemdraw Software
Graphic designer and content creator with fluency in Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat.
Experience instructing students at 30+ universities across the United States, including:
UNC Chapel Hill, University of Florida (UF), Vanderbilt, Duke, Northwestern, NC State, Rutgers, Auburn, Florida State University (FSU), UVA, UGA, University of Richmond, Meredith College, UNC Wilmington, UNC Asheville, Appalachian State, East Carolina University (ECU), Chipola College, Wake Tech Community College, University of Ohio, University of Alabama at Birmingham...
Rogue Chem is engineered by Ryan J. Farrell, an accomplished private instructor who has taught professionally since 2016 and solely specializes in instruction of collegiate-level organic chemistry (Organic 1 and Organic 2).
To learn more about Ryan, see the tutoring page.
Evolution of Rogue Chem
Rogue Chem has evolved from an "insomniac's project" into one of the world's largest electronic compendiums of academic content for collegiate organic chemistry. The engineering and re-engineering of Rogue Chem content is a constant process, and all platforms continue to evolve each semester.
Earliest Version
Production of Rogue Chem materials began in 2016, when Ryan engineered "Problems and Solutions" manuals for students taking organic chemistry at UNC Chapel Hill...
The content was initially marketed to students under the name "Tackling Organic Chemistry."
Manuals were sold in hard copy directly to students
Improvements in student performance and confidence were apparent from the beginning.
After proof of concept was demonstrated at UNC, Ryan pivoted to electronic hosting and delivery of Rogue Chem materials with the goals of:
(1) Reaching a larger audience
(2) Creating a nationally relevant platform and university-specific platforms
(3) Changing how organic chemistry is studied
(4) Disrupting the industry of supplemental materials for collegiate organic chemistry.
Present Day
Usership of Rogue Chem has steadily grown each semester since the official branding of Rogue Chem in 2019.
Currently, Rogue Chem is utilized by countless students at over 30 universities, with upward growth metrics each semester.
In the near future, Rogue Chem will unveil many more university-specific platforms.
Why Choose Rogue Chem?
Data collected over the years demonstrably indicates users of Rogue Chem report increases in...
Confidence in themselves
Accuracy and fidelity when problem solving
Problem-solving speed
Ability to adapt to rigorous problems
Performance on quizzes, exams and final exams
Course grade outcomes
The following graphic features make Rogue Chem resources especially memorable...
Graphically designed for memorability
Bulleted formatting (conceptual reviews)
Professional, publisher-grade formatting
Each topic is color-coded
Rogue Chem practice problems are engineered to emulate the difficulty of problems (and problem types) students may expect to see on an exam.
Exam-Caliber Practice
Rogue Chem resources are continually iterated upon, adapted, and improved in both academic and graphic innovation.
Intentionally priced lower to increase accessibility
Rogue Chem platforms are not subscription-based
Need-based access possible (contact for more info)
Accessible from your phone
Thousands of practice problems at your finger tips
Printable practice sets and conceptual reviews
Rogue Chem vs. Our Competitors
Here at Rogue Chem, we value being challenged by our competitors. After all, without being challenged it is difficult to evolve and value innovation, iteration, and continual growth. Below is a brief comparison between Rogue Chem and our competitors at large.
Rogue Chem...
Created using student input
Larger practice problems reserve
More affordable and accessible to virtually all students
Topic color-coding for enhanced memorability
More affordable and accessible to virtually all students
Video content is paired to conceptual review content
Engineered by a creator with over 10,000 hours teaching experience (one-on-one and lecture).
Not created using student input
Smaller practice problems reserve
Less affordable to students of all socioeconomic backgrounds
Little or no color-coding
Less affordable to students of all socioeconomic backgrounds
Little to no parallel between video and conceptual review content
Not engineered by a creator with over 10,000 hours teaching experience (one-on-one and lecture).
More About RC Content
Rogue Chem practice problems are refined each semester to adapt to changing curriculums.
University-specific Rogue Chem platforms are available for select universities.
Conceptual reviews are concise, comprehensive, and target concepts covered on exams.
Video tutorials are engineered to be universally relevant and pair with the conceptual reviews.
Nuanced-Based Rigor
Rogue Chem materials are designed to be nuanced and challenge students to adapt to the rigor they can anticipate seeing on quizzes and examinations.
Practice sets begin with easier questions and then increase gradually in difficulty to build confidence and understanding.
Select practice sets are entirely devoted to providing a multitude of examples for common problem types.
Graphic Design
Rogue Chem materials are more visually digestible than conventional resources produced by publishers or even collegiate professor's course resources.
Students report being more inclined to practice and study using Rogue Chem resources as opposed to textbook or professor-provided resources.
Documents pertaining to a given subtopic of organic chemistry all have a similar color scheme to help students compartmentalize information based on color association.
High Quality
All Rogue Chem materials are created using ChemDraw Software, the industry standard program for generating chemical structures for academic content creation (in organic chemistry).
Academic quality isn't sacrificed during the graphic design process, or vice versa.
Students routinely praise the quality of Rogue Chem's PDF and video content.